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Open SSELauncher.exe, double click "Counter-Strike D7 v2" for the classic version or "Counter-Strike D7 v2 HD" for the enhanced version.
Right click on them and select "Create desktop shortcut" to have fast launch icons on your desktop.
If the game doesn't start, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 & x64 from the "FIX MSVCR100 ERROR" folder or download them yourself. You can also try installing the latest version of Microsoft .NET Framework if it still doesn't work.
Your antivirus might report a false detection on MetaHook.exe and/or some of its plugins. Whitelist them if that happens. The project is open-source and clean and can be found at
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The project is not yet finished and occasional crashes and hangs might occur with the enhanced version. When a better and more stable version will be released I will try to make a new release.
Recommended system specifications for the enhanced version: CPU - at least dual core with 3.5ghz speed or better; GPU - nVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD RX 580 or better.
Have fun!
Extrage, introdu parola:
Deschide SSELauncher.exe, da dublu click pe "Counter-Strike D7 v2" pentru versiunea clasica sau pe "Counter-Strike D7 v2 HD" pentru versiunea imbunatatita.
Click dreapta pe ele si selecteaza "Create desktop shortcut" ca sa ai iconite pentru lansare rapida pe desktop.
Daca jocul nu porneste, instaleaza Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 si x64 din folderul "FIX MSVCR100 ERROR" sau descarca'le singur. Poti de asemenea sa incerci sa instalezi ultima versiune de Microsoft .NET Framework daca tot nu merge.
Antivirusul tau s'ar putea sa raporteze o detectie falsa pe MetaHook.exe si/sau unele din plugin'urile lui. Adaugati in lista de exceptii daca se intampla asta. Proiectul e deschis si curat si poate fi gasit la
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Proiectul nu este terminat si se pot intampla crash'uri sau blocari ocazional cu versiunea imbunatatita. Cand va aparea o versiune mai buna si mai stabila o sa incerc sa fac o noua lansare.
Specificatii de sistem recomandate pentru versiunea imbunatatita: Procesor - cel putin 2 nuclee de viteza 3.5ghz sau mai bun; Placa video - nVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD RX 580 sau mai buna.
Distractie placuta!
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