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DOWNLOAD Counter-Strike 1.7 LastCS [Updated 2025.03.28]

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what are your hardware specs?
try using this original sdl2.dll and see if the cursor problem still happens. extract it in the half-life folder and replace the already existing one.
if i understand the ragdoll problem corectly, making the model turn into a ragdoll instantly won't help as it would freeze like you said when killed.


what are your hardware specs?
try using this original sdl2.dll and see if the cursor problem still happens. extract it in the half-life folder and replace the already existing one.
if i understand the ragdoll problem corectly, making the model turn into a ragdoll instantly won't help as it would freeze like you said when killed.
3060 rtx

5 5600 x ryzen
what are your hardware specs?
try using this original sdl2.dll and see if the cursor problem still happens. extract it in the half-life folder and replace the already existing one.
if i understand the ragdoll problem corectly, making the model turn into a ragdoll instantly won't help as it would freeze like you said when killed.
thx, its work
r_drawlowerbody 1
but it should have been enabled by default
as far as i know you need to update smartsteamemu but i didn't try to see if it actually works. usually, servers need to have the fix in order for steam to be able to voicechat with nonsteam