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DOWNLOAD Counter-Strike 1.7 LastCS [Updated 2025.03.28]

This product is verified and complete
yes. will make it work by clicking on the image as well if that's more intuitive. thanks for the feedback.
yes. will make it work by clicking on the image as well if that's more intuitive. thanks for the feedback.
alright thanks ill try again and see if it works update: Nevermind i fixed it the problem was with my chrome settings. thanks for your help man
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yes. will make it work by clicking on the image as well if that's more intuitive. thanks for the feedback.
Somehow the link worked this time and the download speed was quite fast. Thanks man you were a big help
hf. waiting for your feedback.
Hello sorry for the late feedback I was busy. The game worked fantastic and I had a lot of fun, but I still have some questions. do the plugins work on the classic version of CS? how can I install the ragdoll plugins? thanks
ragdolls should be working by default. if you want just the ragdolls without the graphics or anything else, open plugins.lst from inside cstrike/metahook folder and add a semicolon in front of what you want to disable.
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ragdolls should be working by default. if you want just the ragdolls without the graphics or anything else, open plugins.lst from inside cstrike/metahook folder and add a semicolon in front of what you want to disable.
ok sounds great ill try that. edit: I disabled some plugins and the ragdolls are finally working! thanks for your help that's all I needed
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hello i having this problem can you solve this


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make sure your gpu driver is up to date and that you're using 32 bit color depth on your desktop. intel integrated gpus are also not officially supported.
edit: also, only launch the game from the emulator, not the executable files themselves as they are the original untouched files from steam(not cracked).


Extract, enter password: lastcs.ro
Open SSELauncher.exe, double click "Counter-Strike D7 v2" for the classic version or "Counter-Strike D7 v2 HD" for the enhanced version.
Right click on them and select "Create desktop shortcut" to have fast launch icons on your desktop.
If the game doesn't start, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 & x64 from the "FIX MSVCR100 ERROR" folder or download them yourself. You can also try installing the latest version of Microsoft .NET Framework if it still doesn't work.
Your antivirus might report a false detection on MetaHook.exe and/or some of its plugins. Whitelist them if that happens. The project is open-source and clean and can be found at
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The project is not yet finished and occasional crashes and hangs might occur with the enhanced version. When a better and more stable version will be released I will try to make a new release.
Recommended system specifications for the enhanced version: CPU - at least dual core with 3.5ghz speed or better; GPU - nVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD RX 580 or better.
Have fun!

Extrage, introdu parola: lastcs.ro
Deschide SSELauncher.exe, da dublu click pe "Counter-Strike D7 v2" pentru versiunea clasica sau pe "Counter-Strike D7 v2 HD" pentru versiunea imbunatatita.
Click dreapta pe ele si selecteaza "Create desktop shortcut" ca sa ai iconite pentru lansare rapida pe desktop.
Daca jocul nu porneste, instaleaza Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 si x64 din folderul "FIX MSVCR100 ERROR" sau descarca'le singur. Poti de asemenea sa incerci sa instalezi ultima versiune de Microsoft .NET Framework daca tot nu merge.
Antivirusul tau s'ar putea sa raporteze o detectie falsa pe MetaHook.exe si/sau unele din plugin'urile lui. Adaugati in lista de exceptii daca se intampla asta. Proiectul e deschis si curat si poate fi gasit la
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Proiectul nu este terminat si se pot intampla crash'uri sau blocari ocazional cu versiunea imbunatatita. Cand va aparea o versiune mai buna si mai stabila o sa incerc sa fac o noua lansare.
Specificatii de sistem recomandate pentru versiunea imbunatatita: Procesor - cel putin 2 nuclee de viteza 3.5ghz sau mai bun; Placa video - nVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD RX 580 sau mai buna.
Distractie placuta!

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Did you update it since you uploaded or nah ?
Did you update it since you uploaded or nah ?
yup was just too lazy to edit in the changes.
will try to list all them when i have some time.
most important thing is metahook was updated with a lot of fixes.
salut, cand poti baga update-ul? si merge si pe cs pe steam? sau trebuie sa folosec un alt client (gsclient...etc)
salut, cand poti baga update-ul? si merge si pe cs pe steam? sau trebuie sa folosec un alt client (gsclient...etc)
clientul e intreg si independent. urmeaza pasii din primul post ca sa il rulezi.
merge si cu cs steam dar nu recomand pentru ca exista o probabilitate sa iei vac.


Extract, enter password: lastcs.ro
Open SSELauncher.exe, double click "Counter-Strike D7 v2" for the classic version or "Counter-Strike D7 v2 HD" for the enhanced version.
Right click on them and select "Create desktop shortcut" to have fast launch icons on your desktop.
If the game doesn't start, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 & x64 from the "FIX MSVCR100 ERROR" folder or download them yourself. You can also try installing the latest version of Microsoft .NET Framework if it still doesn't work.
Your antivirus might report a false detection on MetaHook.exe and/or some of its plugins. Whitelist them if that happens. The project is open-source and clean and can be found at
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The project is not yet finished and occasional crashes and hangs might occur with the enhanced version. When a better and more stable version will be released I will try to make a new release.
Recommended system specifications for the enhanced version: CPU - at least dual core with 3.5ghz speed or better; GPU - nVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD RX 580 or better.
Have fun!

Extrage, introdu parola: lastcs.ro
Deschide SSELauncher.exe, da dublu click pe "Counter-Strike D7 v2" pentru versiunea clasica sau pe "Counter-Strike D7 v2 HD" pentru versiunea imbunatatita.
Click dreapta pe ele si selecteaza "Create desktop shortcut" ca sa ai iconite pentru lansare rapida pe desktop.
Daca jocul nu porneste, instaleaza Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 si x64 din folderul "FIX MSVCR100 ERROR" sau descarca'le singur. Poti de asemenea sa incerci sa instalezi ultima versiune de Microsoft .NET Framework daca tot nu merge.
Antivirusul tau s'ar putea sa raporteze o detectie falsa pe MetaHook.exe si/sau unele din plugin'urile lui. Adaugati in lista de exceptii daca se intampla asta. Proiectul e deschis si curat si poate fi gasit la
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Proiectul nu este terminat si se pot intampla crash'uri sau blocari ocazional cu versiunea imbunatatita. Cand va aparea o versiune mai buna si mai stabila o sa incerc sa fac o noua lansare.
Specificatii de sistem recomandate pentru versiunea imbunatatita: Procesor - cel putin 2 nuclee de viteza 3.5ghz sau mai bun; Placa video - nVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD RX 580 sau mai buna.
Distractie placuta!


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I have 3 problems
1.i dont know what parameters are optional for the physics options where i can get rid of like 80% of the old death animation and to make it go straight to ragdoll.
2.whenever i click tab to see the scoreboard my mouse blocks and i cannot move the mouse to see ,i have everytime alt tab and come back in the game and its frustrating
3.i cannot use the flaslight even if i put the keybind correctly into the settings.
I have 3 problems
1.i dont know what parameters are optional for the physics options where i can get rid of like 80% of the old death animation and to make it go straight to ragdoll.
2.whenever i click tab to see the scoreboard my mouse blocks and i cannot move the mouse to see ,i have everytime alt tab and come back in the game and its frustrating
3.i cannot use the flaslight even if i put the keybind correctly into the settings.
1. you need to go into every player model folder and edit the x_ragdoll.txt file. you need to edit the starting frame to 0 under [DeathAnim]. example: 99 50 -> 99 0

2. that shouldn't happen anymore as it was fixed. are you sure you are running the latest version? paste the output of the mh_pluginslist from your console here.

3. flashlight is controlled by the server you are playing on. if the server has it disabled you can do nothing about it. on local game with bots make sure you have mp_flashlight 1 set or just enable it inside the game options tab.
1. you need to go into every player model folder and edit the x_ragdoll.txt file. you need to edit the starting frame to 0 under [DeathAnim]. example: 99 50 -> 99 0

2. that shouldn't happen anymore as it was fixed. are you sure you are running the latest version? paste the output of the mh_pluginslist from your console here.

3. flashlight is controlled by the server you are playing on. if the server has it disabled you can do nothing about it. on local game with bots make sure you have mp_flashlight 1 set or just enable it inside the game options tab.
1. I also have this bug when you press TAB, open the console, open the menu on H or it somehow freezes itself, then the cursor will not react to the game.
2. After the death of the player, his model remains, but black and just frozen, pretending that it is a player.
3. What should I do in mh_pluginlist?


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