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DOWNLOAD Counter-Strike "1.7" D7 v2 HD [Updated 2025.03.16]

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you have to disable metahook renderer first if im not mistaking, but trinity will only work if installed on the server too anyway.

worked fine for me until now i will test it when i get home but i will need exact map name
btw when i tried metahook in sven coop the chat changed to something like the one in cs source
does it change in the build you released or it's the normal cs1.6 chat?
works fine for me it seems on my low end laptop with integrated amd graphics. the server you gave me in the pm hangs the game instead.
will also try them home on my rtx 4080.
btw when i tried metahook in sven coop the chat changed to something like the one in cs source
does it change in the build you released or it's the normal cs1.6 chat?
yes the new chat works in cs too
Captură de ecran 2024-08-10 204049.png
View attachment 22
works fine for me it seems on my low end laptop with integrated amd graphics. the server you gave me in the pm hangs the game instead.
will also try them home on my rtx 4080.

yes the new chat works in cs too
View attachment 23
weird i dont have the chat, the "say" is upper left at the radar
edit: nvm i reinstalled and it's working fine now
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ok, so i tested on my main pc and i was able to join the server and can confirm the invisible models bug. i will report the problem to the developer and in the meantime you can use the attached patch to fix it(extract in "Half-Life" folder). my antivirus flagged metahook.exe as a virus so you will have to add it to exceptions on yours too most probably.
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ok, so i tested on my main pc and i was able to join the server and can confirm the invisible models bug. i will report the problem to the developer and in the meantime you can use the attached patch to fix it(extract in "Half-Life" folder). my antivirus flagged metahook.exe as a virus so you will have to add it to exceptions on yours too most probably.
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thank you ill try it out, i appreciate your help a lot really
ok, so i tested on my main pc and i was able to join the server and can confirm the invisible models bug. i will report the problem to the developer and in the meantime you can use the attached patch to fix it(extract in "Half-Life" folder). my antivirus flagged metahook.exe as a virus so you will have to add it to exceptions on yours too most probably.
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| password: 389444
it's working perfectly like before, thanks
that patch is a update or a downgrade to fix the invisible model bug ?
it's working perfectly like before, thanks
that patch is a update or a downgrade to fix the invisible model bug ?
downgrade to 19 march version it seems like this bug has been there for a long time
do you know how to stop this message from appearing when i close the game?


  • Screenshot (615).webp
    Screenshot (615).webp
    168.3 KB · Views: 6
do you know how to stop this message from appearing when i close the game?
it's not recommended because otherwise if you restart the game or do a fast close and start it fails to hook it and launches through steam sometimes
I tried to run this on Window 10, every thing is fine. But when I try to run on Window 11, the game loads and and exits without any notification.

Is there any how I can check what the problem is?
Hi, I run it on Window 11, the game is loading until it exits without any notification.

Any how I can check what is the problem?
you must have microsoft visual c++ 2010 installed. its included in the fix msvcr folder. im running w11 and its working just fine.