RO: >> Tot felul de tutorial pentru Counter-strike 1.6, client,server cat si mapping.
EN: >> All kinds of tutorials for Counter-strike 1.6, client, server as well as mapping.
RO: >> Daca intalniti o problema la un server de CS sau in joc, aici puteti cere ajutorul nostru
EN: >> If you encounter a problem on a CS server or in the game, here you can ask for our help
RO: >> Locul unde gasiti tot felul de resurse, atat pentru servere cat si pentru client.
EN: >> The place where you can find all kinds of resources, both for servers and for the client.
RO: >> Resurse pentru diverse programe care se ocupa cu editarea , modificarea si creare de imagini.
EN: >> Resources for various programs that deal with editing, modifying and creating images.
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